Sometimes, I need to remind myself of what is real.  Here is something I wrote in my journal some time ago.

“Reminders to myself:

Thou shalt not look over the edge, lest thou fall over the edge.

Thou shalt do what thou shouldst, and not what thou wantest.

Thou shalt be grateful for what thou hast.

Thou shalt not be desirous of what thou hast not.

Thou shalt remember that thou hast been created by God the Father, bought with the blood of Jesus, and sealed by the Holy Spirit.

Thou shalt not commit lightly, but shall keep all your commitments.

Thou shalt think of the long-term consequences of thy thoughts, words, and actions, and not just immediate pleasures.

Thou shalt consider that thou hast already created enough pain for thyself and others.”

Of course, I could add a great many more of these.  Here are three, which may actually contain all the others:

Thou shalt remember that you are not God, that God is God, and that this is very good indeed!

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