Posts Tagged: conversations with God

DTEB, “On Being Good to God”

I was journaling this morning. After my gratitude list, I wrote the following:

“I really want to be good to God today. We all want God (or the universe or other people or life) to be good to us. But today I want to be good to God. I’m not sure what that will entail in terms of my being and doings. I just know that I want to be good to you, LORD. Please direct me to the right thoughts, words, and actions to pull this off.”

Now, the problem with speaking to God is that God might get a word or two in edgewise. That is what I think happened this morning. It is difficult not to believe in God when you’ve started the day with a conversation with God. I frequently try to doubt the existence of God, but it is getting harder and harder, and I wonder if it is worth the effort.

Anyway, here is the conversation:

GOD: “Well, my child, I’m glad that you want to be good to me. That is very kind of you! Now, would you like to know how?”

Me: “Yes, indeed I do, LORD! However, remember that I am very much a beginner at this.”

GOD: “I am aware that you are a beginner, child. So, we’ll keep this really simple.

  • Treat yourself well. I’m not talking about immediate gratification. That is not treating yourself well. That will destroy you, as you already more than half suspect. But treat yourself truly well. You don’t honor me by unnecessary self-denials. (You can reread Colossians 2:16-23 for further details, if you need them.)
  • Treat others well. Be on the lookout for what they need. To the limit of your ability, meet those needs. Be kind. Think the best of people.
  • Continue to be grateful to me and to depend on me.”

Me: “That’s it, LORD?! That’s all there is?!”

GOD: “Yep! And that will keep you plenty busy today or any day.”

I hope that you also have a busy and good day, dear reader!

“You Need to Laugh More”

The other day, God and I had an interesting conversation.  I often talk to God.  Sometimes, I shut up and let God get a word in edgewise.  Once in a while, I even listen.

“You need to laugh more,” God said.

“You may be right,” I said to God.

“I usually am,” said God.

And I laughed.

. . .

 I laughed again this afternoon.  This was not due to a God conversation, but a wife conversation.  She was trying to get into the car to go to a birthday party, but was having a difficult time.  It is generally considered unsafe to drive an automobile with the door open and one leg outside the car.

So, I bent down very gingerly to help her get entirely into the car.  She laughed and said, “I didn’t realize how much my leg was hurting until I tried to get it in the car.”

“I understand,” I replied.  “My back is hurting so much that I had to be carefully bending down to help you.”

We laughed.

“Old age is such fun,” I continued.  “If I had known how much fun it was, I would have gotten old a lot sooner.”

Who knows?  I may just laugh again before the day is over.

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