Posts Tagged: Difficult relationships between mothers and children

“Mother’s Day for those Who Wish it Wasn’t”

There are a lot of people who don’t like Mother’s Day. So, rest assured that you are not alone if you are one of those people.

There are many good reasons for this dislike, or even for this hatred of the holiday. Some moms are estranged from their own moms and/or their children. Some are not estranged, but the relationships are strained. Some women desperately wanted to have children, but couldn’t. Others had children, and wished they hadn’t. Some mothers have lost their children to death. The list goes on, but I will not.

Perhaps we need to transform and rename the holiday. Perhaps we could call it something like “Nurturer’s Day.” On “Nurturers Day,” we would send cards and gifts and warm greetings to all the women and men who have nurtured us over the years. We would also recognize the importance of our own role as nurturers.

No one is ever too old, too male, to female—too anything—to be a nurturer. Nurturing is an equal-opportunity employer.

Now, I don’t mean to devalue mothers. I had a really good one, and my wife is a really good one, even though she often thinks she’s not. For those of you who have wonderful relationships with your moms and your children, I say, “Excellent!”

But for those who struggle with this Hallmark Holiday, I say, “Happy Nurturer’s Day!” May your tribe increase! And may we celebrate your ability to nurture every day! May we also imitate it!

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