Posts Tagged: failure and success

“Engaging with Juggling and the Success in Failing”

Last evening, I was pulling out of my parking space after a twelve-step meeting and getting ready to head home. A couple of other young people (college age, I suppose) were getting out of a car. One of them was already out and juggling some objects that looked like bowling pins. Not just juggling; juggling quite well.

I wasn’t in a hurry, and I’ve always wanted to learn to juggle. My attempts have been pretty pathetic and very intermittent. I stopped and rolled down my window for a chat. “Well done!” I exclaimed. “I’ve always wanted to learn to juggle, but I’m afraid that I’ve never gotten the hang of it. I’ve failed.”

The young person smiled and said, “Engaging with the activity is success, even if you fail.”

Ironically, my affirmation for the day was as follows:

Today, by God’s grace, I am eating wisely, exercising, and working on my studies, the house, and the flower beds with a thankful heart. I refuse to be morose, even when I mess up.

It is amazing how things come together like that, isn’t it? Some people call it “synchronicity”, but no matter what you call it, it is a strange and wonderful thing to experience.

But back to the main point of this post: I have never had a high tolerance for failure. On the other hand, failure is the only way to learn and grow and (eventually) succeed, at least some of the time. But this wise young person had reframed the whole matter of failure and success for me. Engaging with something or someone in a healthy and respectful manner is itself success.

I think I am going to learn how to juggle.

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