Posts Tagged: Jon Gordon

“2022: The Year of Listening”

Because of the encouragement of Jon Gordon, I have been taking a word or a short phrase as my mantra or focus for the year. For 2022, the word is “Listening”. This year I am listening.

Initially, I was planning to make “Talking Less” my focus. However, it occurred to me that this was a “not-goal”—and not-goals are not good. So, I decided on listening.

This listening will have several aspects. Here are a few that I have identified:

  1. Listening to God.
  2. Listening to Myself.
  3. Listening to Others.

I’m sure that there are other schematic ways of breaking this down, but this seems to me to be a good way to try to wrap my mind around what I am trying to be and become this year. Not all my blog posts will deal with listening, but probably several will. As readers of this blog, you have the right to ask me how the listening is going. Questions, discussion, and your own insights are, of course, most welcome. I will try to listen!

I have no illusion that this is going to be an easy mantra. I’ve never been as good at listening as I have been at talking. Still, hard things are often precisely where the growth is. I hope to grow in my ability to listen this year.

Andy Stanley has a wonderful sermon in which he challenges us to “be quick to listen, slow to speak.” As he admits, he stole these words from James (James 1:19). Unfortunately, I have too often turned around James’ (and Stanley’s) admonition. I’ve been a machine gun when it comes to speaking and refrigerated molasses when it comes to listening. It’s high time I became a biblical listener.

“And the Word for the Year: Generosity!”

Several years ago, I read a post by Jon Gordon that encouraged his readers to choose one word for the year to set the tone for the year. I have been doing this for several years now. The past two yearly words have been self-control and holiness. I can’t say that I have done well with them, but I still think that Gordon is onto something good.

This year, my word is generosity. This word, as I perceive it, is not just about money or stuff. And generosity is not only about giving to others. Rather, generosity is about giving and receiving. It is about giving material things and giving lots of other things that could hardly be called stuff.

Generosity is something that many of us have received. In fact, no matter how difficult life is (and it is so for many people), there are very few of us who haven’t experienced receiving generosity at one time or another. Some of us, like me, are swimming in a sea of generosity. I have received generosity from my parents, friends, twelve-step compatriots, my wife, family, and a host of others. Even if I didn’t believe in God, I think I would have to believe in generosity.

But I do believe in God, and I have experienced so much generosity from God! Forgiveness, grace, life, life eternal, spiritual gifts of service, the sending of his Son to this planet, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the church—and on and on and on. Yes, I’ve received generosity alright!

And then, there is the giving of generosity. If I have received so much generosity of all kinds, material and spiritual, how could I not be generous?

But the truth is, I can be incredibly selfish. I’m more generous, I think, than I used to be, but as Robert Frost said, “I have miles before I sleep.” Generosity is always a possibility, but it only becomes lived reality in the living itself.

So, this is the Year of Generosity. My intention is to be a generous person in a plethora of ways. (I just love the word “plethora”!) I plan to be generous with stuff—even including my books. I will be generous with my time, with my praise and gratitude, with words of encouragement. I will be generous with my sweetheart, my students, my church, people that I like, and people of whom I am not so fond.

I’m even planning to be generous with myself. Can you believe it?! I do!

(For another post on generosity, see my post “Brimming with Wealth and Generosity” at

“Keep Pursuing!”

“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”  (Hebrews 12:14 The Holy Bible, English Standard Version,

What are you pursuing?

The word translated “strive” in the verse that leads off this post is in the present tense in the original Greek.  The present tense in Greek usually represents an ongoing or continual action.  We are not to simply seek peace with other people, and holiness of life.  We are to seek peace and holiness continually.  Such pursuing is a pattern of life.  Indeed, such pursuing is a life-style.

We will all pursue something: money, fame, security, love, acceptance, significance, the acceptance of others, power, sex.  And no doubt, all those things have some goodness and validity as objects of pursuit.  However, such pursuit can easily become not so good.  In fact, such pursuits can become addictions.

But what about pursuing peace with everyone, as well as pursuing holiness?

Most of us probably know what peace might look like.  At least, we think we know that.  But what about holiness?  What is it?  Why is it necessary to pursue holiness in order to see the Lord?  How do I pursue holiness?  These are the questions that I am wrestling with these days.

This entire year, I am pursuing holiness.  It is my main word for the year.  (Choosing one word as my “word-of-the-year” is an idea that I picked up from Jon Gordon.  Thanks, Jon!)

  Hebrews 12:14, the verse that leads off this post, is my verse for the year.  I am committed to pursuing a deep understanding of this one verse—not an intellectual understanding only.  No!  I am committed to pursuing (there’s that word again!) holiness and this verse with every fiber of my being.

Care to join me?  Pursuits are more fun and more effective if you have companions!

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