Posts Tagged: loving teaching


You might think that the title of this post is a mistake.  “Don’t you mean ‘concentrated prayer’?”  No, although concentrated prayer can be a wonderful thing as well.

But a good friend of mine gave me a wonderful gift the other day—a prayer that helped me to concentrate.  In other words, he gave me a concentrating prayer.

I mentioned at a twelve-step meeting that I had a project designing an online course for the university where I teach, and was I ever intimidated!  And I had to finish it within the next few days, so that the dean and the course design committee could go over it.

I love teaching, but I have A.D.D., and it often gets in the way of doing even things that I love.  I can concentrate.  It may just be a bit more difficult for me than for some.

After the meeting, I received the following text:

“With your permission I have a prayer for you to say while You’re preparing for your course.

‘I am an intelligent man. I can and will do this. God, I know that if I get stuck or tired You will be there to help me.’

Good luck. I’ll be praying for you.”

That prayer settled me down.  It calmed me down.  And I turned in the rough draft of the syllabus just before noon today.

Sometimes, simple encouragement, simple gifts, and simple prayers are simply what we need.

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