Posts Tagged: Luke 12:7

“God is in the Details”

“The devil is in the details.” (A general saying, often quoted by lawyers, reporters, and negotiators.)

“God is in the details.” (Me, almost certainly not original.)

Luke 12:7 Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Jesus)

God does not micromanage, but God is a God of the details. As I was thinking about my students (many of whom live in Florida) and praying for them this morning, I was greatly comforted by the thought that God knows every one of them by name. God knows where they are and how they are. In fact, God has a detailed understanding of the entire universe.

And then I thought of the saying about the devil being in the details. Why on earth should we recognize the presence of evil, but ignore the presence and wisdom and compassion of God?

Jesus told his followers not to worry. God has a detailed understanding of them. They don’t and we don’t have to understand much. However, we do need to understand that God understands the details of our individual and collective lives.

I don’t have a lot of hair left, but I don’t know precisely how many there are. I don’t know how many days I have left on this planet, either. But God knows. Maybe that is enough.

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