Posts Tagged: making projects too big

“At Least Two Sentences”

A good friend of mine loves to read my posts. Says he is always disappointed when I don’t post. He challenged me to write and post something at least once a month.

I have decided to do something less demanding and more permitting. I am not demanding one post per month. Instead, I am permitting myself to post a minimum of two sentences per day. Since I have already vastly exceeded my two sentences, I can quit now. However, I will go a bit further.

Here is the thing: Consistency is much more important than quantity. Perhaps consistency is even more important than quality. Maybe two sentences are enough.

I read a book titled Tiny Habits . . .  by BJ Fogg. In it, Fogg encouraged his readers to do two pushups right after they went to the bathroom. I am not committing to that, but two sentences a day seem doable to me.

My dad worked hard, but sometimes he made projects so big in his mind by thinking about the whole project that he ended up not even starting the project. I vowed I would never be that way. Guess what? I am exactly like that. You had already guessed that hadn’t you?

So, here is my challenge to you, dear reader. What two things will you do today (and every day??)? The possibilities are endless, but here are a few possibilities, just to get your juices flowing:

  • Walk at least two blocks.
  • Dust at least two pieces of furniture.
  • Notice at least two different species of bird.
  • Text at least two friends.
  • Read at least two chapters of the Bible. (Warning: You might not want to start with Psalm 119!)
  • Pray at least two times a day.
  • Read at least two paragraphs of a book you’ve never read before.

The list goes on, but I will not. If you get a chance, let me know what you decided and how it is going.

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