Posts Tagged: Mark 4:22-43

“Jesus Thinks of Everything!”

“Give her something to eat.” (Mark 5:43)

Jesus was and is incredibly down to earth.  Mark 5:22-43 tells the story of Jesus raising a young girl from the dead.  He had brought her back to life by saying two words, “Talitha Koum”—“Little girl, get up!”

But then, Jesus gives her mom and dad two commands.  The first was a strict command not to tell anyone what had happened.  That is strange!  Why would Jesus not want such a wonderful miracle to be generally known?  Jesus often tried to keep his miracles under wraps.  The reason is not usually spelled out, but it seems as if Jesus did not want his miracles to be people’s main focus.

But Jesus’ second command to the parents of the formerly dead girl seems strange too.  “Give her something to eat.”  What?!?  Did Jesus really need to tell them that?!

Well, yes, perhaps he did.  If the little girl had been sick for several days, she had probably not been eating much, if anything.  She needed to eat.

Then too, in the midst of strange reversals—whether the reversals are joyous or tragic—it is good to eat.  There is a reason why there are meals at both weddings and funerals.  Perhaps the parents needed to be told to do something simple and life affirming just to cope with such an amazing thing as having their daughter back with them, alive and whole.

Jesus thinks of everything!

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