Posts Tagged: Ollie’s

“On Being a Good Ad”

I was buying candy corn for a friend at Ollie’s the other day when I eavesdropped on an interesting conversation. The lady behind me said to the cashier, “This is a really good store with good prices, but I didn’t even know it was here. You should advertise more!”

The young cashier replied, “If we didn’t save money by not advertising, we wouldn’t be able to keep our prices so low! We rely on word of mouth for people to find us.”

Hummm! Things are never simple and straightforward, are they?

And, of course, I thought about the Church. Do we advertise, or do we rely on word of mouth? How excited are we about our church? Do we talk about it to others? More importantly, do we talk about Christ to others? Frankly, I hear Christians talking a lot more about politics these days than I hear speaking of Christ.

The best advertisement for Jesus are people whose lives have been changed for the better by hanging out with Jesus and his people. Are we those kinds of people?

I would like to say a resounding, “Yes!” However, I’m not so sure. I am reminded of an old question: If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? I wonder sometimes if there would even be enough evidence to indict us?

If Jesus is the “Product”—and of course, Jesus is that and a great deal more—then we are the advertisement. Am I a good ad? Are you?

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