Posts Tagged: Pray without ceasing

“A Bathroom Prayer for Hurting Hands”

A week ago Sunday, my hands were hurting so badly at church that I went to the bathroom to run hot water over my hands. Arthritis perhaps, or carpal tunnel, or general orneriness—I don’t know why my hands hurt, but they do. They have for years.

So, while I was running hot water over my hands in the church’s men’s room, I prayed out loud. (Hey! Don’t you judge me! After all, the Bible says that we are to pray without ceasing, right?)

“God, my hands hurt a lot. If I am doing something I shouldn’t or if I’m not doing something I should, please let me know what to avoid or do to participate in my own healing. I do believe in miracles, so if you want to do something miraculously immediate, it would not hurt my feelings. On the other hand, if my pain would in some way glorify you, don’t take it away. May not pain or any miracle take precedence over loving You and others, LORD.”

And whether it was God directly, or the prayer itself, or the hot water, or all of the above, my hands did suddenly start feeling better. Altars aren’t the only place where prayers can be answered. Sometimes bathrooms will work, thank you very much!

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