Posts Tagged: Romans 12:2

“Purposeful Thinking”

Rom. 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2, English Standard Version)

A friend of mine is well aware of the fact that he tends to overthink things. People who really desire to grow and change for the better often do that. I recognize this because I desire that very thing myself. Frequently, I even overthink my tendency to overthink.

So, I sent an email to my friend, and then realized that I was also talking to myself. Here is what I wrote to him (and to myself):

“Thinking can be a very good thing. Being un-thinking is definitely not a good thing. But over-thinking is not the goal either. What is the goal of thinking? Do you realize that I’ve lived 71+ years, and I have never before asked this question?

A very preliminary response to my own question might be as follows: The purpose of thinking is to act in a loving way in each situation, to feel better, to be better, and to position myself to think more sanely still.

Perhaps we need to question our own thinking process. Maybe, when we’re prone to overthink (or to simply think wrongly), we could ask a few simple questions that are incredibly profound.

  • Will this line of thought help me to act more lovingly?
  • Will this line of thought make me feel better in the long run?
  • Will this line of thought make me a better person?
  • Will this line of thought position me to think more sanely?

I don’t know if any of this helps you, but I think it might help me. Hopefully, I’m not overthinking the whole thing.”

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