Posts Tagged: the crack of dawn


Nothing good ever happens at the crack of dawn.” (The worship leader at our church.)

“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark [even before the crack of dawn, DTEB], Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” (John 20:1, NIV.  Words enclosed in square brackets are my addition.)

Our worship leader at church, in response to a comment made by someone else, said, “Nothing good ever happens at the crack of dawn.”  It is fairly obvious that Jay is not a morning person.

My wife (who is not a morning person either) leaned over to me and whispered, “I don’t know about that.  What about the resurrection of Jesus?”

I am not sure that the worship leader had thought through the theological implications of his generalization.  Apparently, there are some good things that happen at the crack of dawn, or even before.

How about you?  Are you cold and in the dark?  Do you feel like it isn’t even the crack of dawn yet, and that nothing good could possibly come to you?  That the dawn may come for others, but not for you?

I have often felt that way in the past myself.  Not so much anymore.

My youngest son, who hasn’t had much to do with either his mom or me in the past six years, called last night, and is planning to come down to see us today.  Will he follow through on that?  I don’t know.  He has a good, kind heart.  I am completely responsible for the alienation that he and his brother and sisters feel toward me.  I suspect that our youngest is very conflicted.

But the dawn came today anyway.  And though the sky is overcast, and the future uncertain, I have hope and peace and joy and gratitude in my heart.  Why?  Not because my son is coming to see us.  He may or may not.  I have hope and peace and joy and gratitude—and they have me—because of Jesus and his resurrection.  Because my sins, which were many are all washed away (as the old hymn says).  Because my hope and peace and joy and gratitude are in the God who is with me right here, right now.

And because of this God, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, I can face anything and any time—even the darkness before the dawn.

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