Posts Tagged: thinking analogically about God


“Before you begin, pause for a moment. Take several slow, deep breaths and allow yourself to grow still. Be aware of God’s loving presence within you.” (“3-Minute Retreat,” for July 18, 2018, published by Loyola Press)

The quote that begins this post is a fairly common type of intro for these 3-Minute retreats—which I heartily recommend.  They are good, quick, and free.

But the fact is that none of us hears anything until our heart and mind are prepared to hear them.  For some reason, the phrase “God’s loving presence” caught my attention today.

Here is the problem, at least, as I see it: I have often believed (often only at a theoretical level) that God is present as the all-powerful, all-knowing Judge.  But as a loving presence—not so much!

What difference does it make to me if I think of God as an ever-present loving presence?

I can’t get my mind around God, but I can think analogically.  And the best analogy at this point is my relationship with my wife.  I am, generally, a better man when my wife is around, period.  I know that she loves me and that I love her.  I am much less likely to say something stupid and mean-spirited when she is around.  I am much less likely to fly into road rage.  I am much less likely to notice (for too long) other lovely ladies.  (And they are all lovely, aren’t they?)

Now, in the deepest possible sense, my wife is always with me.  We are so in love that we have, quite profoundly, become one.  So, in reality, I need to always watch my mouth, my anger, my eyes, since my wife is ever in my heart and on my mind.

But if God is The Loving Presence in my life, I need always to recognize that every situation, every decision, every interaction with others, is surrounded and filled and supercharged with the love of God.

How would that change every situation, every decision, every interaction?  How wouldn’t it?!

Dear readers, I hope you go through this day with a profound and abiding sense of God’s loving presence!  I hope that I do as well!

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