“On Laughing at Your Own Fool Self”

“Prov. 15:15    All the days of the afflicted are evil,

but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.” (English Standard Version)

I ran out of ideas just now for this blog, so I said a quick prayer: “Help!”  God answered the prayer immediately, but God’s prompting wasn’t all that “spiritual” (whatever that is).  Instead, God reminded me of a funny, stupid thing I did last night.

My sweetheart was coming back home after being away for several days taking care of her mom.  I missed her so much!  I shaved and showered and dressed up a bit.  I got her a bouquet of flowers.  I even vacuumed downstairs.  Aren’t I sweet!

We met at Kroger to get gas for our two cars and three five-gallon gas cans with our Kroger fuel points.  Afterward, I hopped in my wife’s car, so that we could go out to a fine dining establishment—Sonic.  After we had enjoyed way too many delicious calories, we went home.

After we had parked her car in the garage, it hit me: We had forgotten to go by Kroger to pick up my car!

It wasn’t really a big deal.  The Kroger store in only about three miles from our house.  I just shook my head and laughed at my fool self.

But here is the thing: Not so long ago, I would not have laughed.  I would have been terribly angry with myself over this kind of thing.  I would have called myself all kinds of unkind names.  I would have thought that this incident was the summarizing of my entire life.  I would have seriously dampened my wife’s joy at being home.

But, I didn’t.  And if I am willing to laugh at myself, I can have a continual feast.  I continued feasting this morning, because of another silly thing I did.

At the beginning of this post, I thought of the verse that leads off the post, Proverbs 15:15.  However, I couldn’t remember where it was found.  Somewhere in Proverbs; I was sure of that much.  When my smart phone game me the answer to my question about a nanosecond after I had asked it, I had to laugh out loud.  I had listened to chapter 15 of Proverbs on my You Version app about an hour ago.  I call myself an Old Testament guy?  And let’s face it: A body ought to be able to remember a scriptural reference like “Proverbs 15:15”.

Again I say unto thee, sometimes you just have to laugh at your own fool self!  I hope you have a merry heart today, and a continual feast!  May you do something mildly foolish today!

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